Our Church and Values

Grace Bible Fellowship is a family focused, Bible based, grace oriented ministry. In other words, everything we do at GBF centers around the family, the Bible and grace.

In Scripture, the church is a family, a community, and a fellowship of believers whose head is Jesus Christ.
We seek to function in such a way as to bring the church’s scriptural purpose into view and be the living body of Christ that the world around us might see the light of His gospel and be saved.

We are committed to the following core values:



An acknowledgement of and submission to the headship of Christ and the leadership of the Elders and Pastor.



A commitment to being Bible based with an emphasis on expository, exegetical preaching.



A focus, in every area of ministry, on the family unit - promoting family unity and discipleship.



A dedication to and appreciation for the Gospel and Doctrines of Grace.


Jesus Christ

A devotion to the supremacy, sufficiency and sovereignty of Jesus Christ in every area of life and ministry.