Built on the Bible, Family, and Grace.

Our Ministry Schedule



Sunday School - 9:30am

Worship Service - 10:30am

The Word of God envelops worship services on Sunday mornings and all other activities flow from its foundation.

Because we believe from scripture that church is a family affair, families are encouraged to sit together as Pastor Clint Chiles delivers the message from the Word of God.

As a congregation we sing songs that are doctrinally sound, from both recent years and years gone by.



Fellowship Meal & Bible Study - 6:30pm

On Wednesday nights, our church meets together for a potluck-style fellowship meal at 6:30pm. After the meal (around 7:15pm), the children of our church have a special Bible learning program and the adults meet together for Bible study.

The purpose of this time each week is to continue fostering and growing interpersonal relationships in our church, supply our children with age-appropriate Bible teaching, and continue the work of equipping the body for the work of the ministry (Eph 4:12). Join us!


Cottonwood Estates - 9:30am

Care Center - 10:15am

Long Term Care - 10:45am

Each Friday morning Bible studies are held at several assisted living and nursing homes in the community.  The people ministered to during this time have become like a second church family as many are faithful to come each week. 

The Lord has seen fit to greatly bless these Bible studies and it is clear that His Spirit is at work in the hearts of the people.